
Welcome to Basisschool Schreuder!
Basisschool Schreuder is a regular primary school located in the cultural center of Amsterdam,  next to Museumplein. We are proud of our small scale, the dedicated teachers and parents, our educational offer and our successful achievements (above the country´s average). The student population of Basisschool Schreuder reflects the diversity of the Amsterdam population. Basisschool Schreuder is part of “Stichting AMOS”, a chain of 29 ecumenical schools in Amsterdam. What Amos believes in? That everyone is seen, that we take care of each other and that we do the right thing.

The students receive English lessons from group 1 and some other lessons are offered in English instead of Dutch. At the moment our gym classes are offered in English. Native English speaking students will get more challenging assignments during the English lessons.

For gifted children we have full-time gifted education in the AMOS unIQ classes, from group 4.

We have a healthy eating and drinking policy and gym class twice a week in our own gym: healthy school for healthy children!​

At our school, various after-school activities are organized which start directly when the school day ends. For example school chess and Mad Science science and technology lessons. In addition, Combiwel organizes  after-school sports and dance lessons at Schreuder, for the current schedule https://combiweljunior.nl/activiteiten

Preschool/halfday care and after school care in the school building, provided by Kinderdagverblijf Kleintje Zuid Museumkwartier: https://kleintjezuid.nl/en/locaties/museumkwartier-naschoolse-opvang/

Centralised enrolment system Amsterdam
There are over 200 primary schools in Amsterdam. Pupils are assigned to a school by means of a centralised enrolment system. Around your child’s third birthday, you will receive an official enrolment form from the City of Amsterdam. If you are new to Amsterdam, you can download the form yourself. Basisschool Schreuder participates in this enrolment system.

Priority enrolment at nearby schools
You can indicate a preference for a particular school on your enrolment form. Submit the form to the school you have listed as your first choice. If that school receives more applications than there are places available, pupils will be assigned to the school based on a lottery system. Your child will have priority at the eight primary schools that are closest to your home address.

If your child does not receive a place at the school you listed as your first choice, the system will check if there is a place available at your second choice, then your third choice, etc.

The primary school enrolment process in 5 steps:

At this moment we expect to have a place for all registered children at our school.

Information meetings school Year 2024-2025
We organize a number of information meetings for orientation at our school. During an information meeting you will receive specific information, you can ask questions and you will be guided through the school.

The information meetings in English (from 10 am to 11 am) will be on the following dates:
Wednesday 12 February 2025
Tuesday 15 April 2025
Wednesday 14 May 2025

You can register for these meetings by sending an email to administratie.schreuder@amosonderwijs.nl. Please state which date you would like to come, with how many persons and the name/date of birth of your child.
We hope to welcome you soon at one of our meetings!

If you prefer to receive a presentation of the info meeting by mail instead of attending a meeting at school, please send a mail to administratie.schreuder@amosonderwijs.nl. In case you would like to make an appointment  for another date than the above mentioned info meetings, feel free to contact us at tel. 020-6795827.

The theme of these meetings is our regular education. If you are interested in Amos unIQ, the gifted education, please check the following website for more info and contact details: https://amosuniq.nl/
Of course you are welcome to join the meeting to get a general impression of our school.